First Footing, Hog Roasts, and New Year Cheer: A Scottish Tradition with a Tasty Hog Roast Edinburgh Twist

In Scotland, there’s a charming tradition that ensures good fortune for the year ahead – it’s called First Footing, and it’s a lovely way to celebrate the New Year. The idea is simple: the first person to cross your threshold Continue reading First Footing, Hog Roasts, and New Year Cheer: A Scottish Tradition with a Tasty Hog Roast Edinburgh Twist

Host a movie night at home this autumn with catering from Hog Roast Dundee

If you want to plan a cosy night in this autumn, then a movie night is the perfect solution! There is nothing better than unwinding and watching a great movie with friends, especially when combined with a delicious meal. At Continue reading Host a movie night at home this autumn with catering from Hog Roast Dundee

Hog Roast Cardenden Will Be There For You Even If The Weather Isn’t!

Scotland has never exactly been renowned for its good weather, and while most of us spend all year wishing for some sunshine, we have to admit that up until now, we’ve been pretty lucky with the weather this year. Of Continue reading Hog Roast Cardenden Will Be There For You Even If The Weather Isn’t!