Hog Roast Dunkeld At The Finish Line For The Great Scottish Kiltwalk

Hog Roast DunkeldThis weekend saw thousands across Scotland come together for one of the nations best charity events of the year, the Kiltwalk. A wonderful celebration of our traditional culture and people, the Kiltwalk is a yearly sponsored walk where everyone comes out in their kilts and does a potentially marathon length walk across our major cities. Edinburgh, Glasgow, Dundee, and Aberdeen all get involved with this incredible charity tradition, and we at Hog Roast Dunkeld were lucky enough to be involved in our own way too through in Glasgow.

We had a customer contact us a few weeks ago and told us all about how they were taking on the Kiltwalk this year. Mandy, 43, was taking on the walk for her first ever time, and after practicing for the last 6 months she knew that she was more than ready to tackle the full 26 miles. Thinking on her feet, Mandy thought it would also be fun to end her own walk with some much-needed refuelling courtesy of her favourite hog roast catering team. Friends and family were going to be awaiting her finish anyway, so Mandy set up a small party in her own home with the help of Hog Roast Dunkeld’s catering. We were more than happy to help out.

Hog Roast DunkeldWhile Mandy was on the walk our chefs were let into her home and set about putting together our hog roast buffet for when all of the guests arrived. We also had a special surprise request from Mandy’s husband to potentially bring out a hog roast roll to her too out at the finish line when for when she finished. Our chef on site thought that was an excellent idea, so we had one team member join Mandy’s husband as he went off to pick her up so that we could surprise her with a fresh pulled pork roll right as she finished.

Mandy did excellent on the walk, and the surprise roll was just what was needed to get her back on her feet and back home for the rest of her celebrations with friends and family.

Excellent work Mandy – you are an inspiration to us all here at Hog Roast Dunkeld!